Lease and sell CMW280/Agilent and recycle CMW280/mobile phone comprehensive tester
R&S CMW280 is an all-in-one solution for testing WiMAX devices quickly and accurately in accordance with the IEEE 802.16e standard and the WiMAX Forum system framework.
The R&S CMW280 WiMAX communication tester combines a non-signaling mode for high-speed RF calibration in production with a base station simulation signaling mode for mobile devices to test under simulated network conditions.
◆ Support all WiMAX frequency bands up to 6GHz continuous frequency range
◆ Real-time signaling can test WiMAX CPE under network simulation conditions
◆ Vector signal analyzer (VSA) can be used for transmitter verification
◆ Vector signal generator (VSG) can realize various receiver tests: ARB mode for short setup time or real-time mode for complex signals with large data volume
◆ The top non-signaling calibration method R&S Smart Alignment and R&S Multi-Evaluation technology significantly shorten the test time
◆ It can be easily connected to WiMAX equipment through the integrated RF interface
1) Extremely high test reliability: mobile device test in complete signaling mode
It not only verifies and records RF parameters, but also verifies and records protocol messages at the MAC layer.
The test signal quality far exceeds the signal quality of the gold machine solution.
2) Reduce test costs: the speed of RF calibration is increased by nearly 10 times
The largest parallel test method for simultaneous measurement of transmitter and receiver and R&S Smart Alignment technology drastically shorten the test time
3) Increase production capacity and simplify test configuration
Has extremely low uncertainty and extremely high repeatability.
Because of the wide dynamic range of RF input and output and the RF front end with integrated switch function, no external equipment is required in the test configuration.
4) Can meet future WiMAX measurement requirements at any time
It is suitable for the second measurement channel of MIMO.
70 MHz to 6 GHz continuous RF frequency range, 40/70 MHz IF bandwidth
5) R&S CMW280 basic unit with diverse functions
It has an RF signal source and RF power meter suitable for general continuous wave (CW) test applications.
It can be remotely controlled via LAN, USB 2.0 or IEC/IEEE bus.