Sell N5242A network analyzer and recycle N5242A network analyzer
Main features and functions
Obtain excellent measurement and design results
Simplify the test station by replacing a large number of rack-mounted and stacked equipment
Improve production efficiency through a comprehensive and flexible single connection to the microwave test engine
Use a wide range of single-connection measurement application software to shorten test time
Use the excellent PNA-X instrument to more accurately test the characteristics of linear and non-linear devices
Technical index:
Maximum frequency 26.5 GHz
Dynamic range 127 dB
Output power 13 dBm
Track noise 0.002 dBrms
Number of built-in ports 2 or 4 ports
Harmonic -60 dBc
Noise floor -114 dBm
Scan speed up to 201 points 6 ms
Network Analyzer Series PNA-X The most advanced and flexible
S parameter
Noise floor
Gain compression
X parameters
Balance measurement
Pulsed radio frequency
Desktop Yes