Sell ??8714ES/Agilent Recycle 8714ES/Network Analyzer

8714ES RF Economical Vector Network Analyzer (S-parameter), 300 kHz to 3 GHz
Sell ??8714ES/Agilent Recycle 8714ES/Network Analyzer
Main features and technical indicators
Narrowband and broadband detection
100 dB dynamic range
Real-time scanning speed (40 ms/scan)
S-parameter comprehensive tester
Synthetic signal source with 1Hz resolution
Standard LAN interface
Standard built-in Keysight Instruments BASIC (IBASIC)
Standard 2, 6 and 12 port switch tester
Keysight 8714ES economical RF network analyzer provides excellent speed, accuracy and automatic measurement characteristics in a compact box, suitable for the manufacture, inspection and maintenance of RF components.
Keysight 8714ES is an S-parameter test device with two-port vector error correction, which can provide comprehensive and accurate measurement of device S-parameters. 2 independent channels can measure and display 2 parameters, such as S21 (transmission) and S11 (reflection) in various formats, including delay and SWR on rectangular coordinates, polar coordinates and Smith charts.
The ES type instrument includes 60dB source attenuation as a standard feature, and provides 70dB power level control for testing active and passive devices. Can choose 50Ω type and 75Ω type.
PC connectivity software
IntuiLink is a free connectivity software for a variety of Keysight‘s advanced series of instruments, providing direct access from PC applications to instrument settings and measurements. IntuiLink enables you to spend less time processing instrument data, and spend more time analyzing and utilizing data. You can use the IntuiLink PC application toolbar to transfer measurement data and images to familiar PC applications such as Microsoft Office Excel and Word with little or no programming. The ActiveX control feature allows you to control the instrument from a PC and provides built-in routines to enable the test system to automate process-style repetitive or complex tasks. The integration between instruments and key PC applications has never been closer.
Narrowband and broadband detection
100 dB dynamic range
Real-time scanning speed (40 ms per scan)
Integrated S-parameter test device
Synthetic source with 1Hz resolution
Standard LAN interface
Standard internal Keysight Instrument BASIC (IBASIC)
Standard 2, 6 and 12 port switch test set