Three bandwidths of 500 MHz, 300 MHz, and 100 MHz
Sampling rate up to 2.5 GS/s
4 channels
Full VGA color LCD display
25 automatic measurement functions
9-bit vertical resolution
Multilingual user interface
Make operation easier "Quick Menu" graphical user interface
Built-in Ethernet port
e*Scope TM online remote control function
WaveAlert TM automatic waveform anomaly detection capability
Application module
-Advanced analysis functions required for detailed design analysis
-Telecommunications mask test
-Two video modules for testing and troubleshooting
-Quickly "pass or fail" the required limit test
-Advanced trigger function, including: glitch, runt pulse and logic trigger
Plug-in printer can provide measurement result files
Probes supported by the TekProbeTM Level II interface include: active probes, differential probes and power probes that can automatically provide calibration and conversion units
Standard parallel port for quick printing
Built-in floppy drive for easy data storage and file preparation
TDS3000B includes DPO power supply, digital real-time sampling technology (DRT), wavealert waveform anomaly detection, OpenChoice file and analysis solutions and 5 special modules for light and battery design.
DPO provides a higher level of insight into complex signals
The TDS3000B series DPO provides a continuous waveform capture rate of the 3600 workflow management system to capture faults and incidents three times faster than an oscilloscope. Some oscilloscope manufacturers claim a high waveform capture rate for a short time, but only Dr. Da can provide these fast waveform capture rates on a continuous basis-saving minutes, hours or by quickly revealing the nature of the tomogram, so advanced triggers can be used to isolate them, Even a few days.
In addition, the real-time intensity grading of the TDS3000B DPO emphasizes the details of a signal activity about the "historical", making it easier to understand the waveform characteristics you capture.
Higher speed requires higher bandwidth
You face the market pressure of faster clock rates and speed advantages, increasingly complex signals and installation time. The higher the bandwidth of your oscilloscope, the more accurate the reproduction of your signal. The TDS3000B series provides a wide range of bandwidth from 100 MHz to 600 MHz to the project that best suits your most demanding needs, so you can complete your tasks in time and confidence.
Fast debugging and interpolation of DRT sampling technology and sin(x)/x characterization signal
The TDS3000B series combines unique digital real-time sampling technology (DRT) sin(x)/x interpolation which can accurately describe all channels of various signal types at the same time.
This sampling technique makes it possible to capture high-frequency information such as glitches and edge abnormalities, avoiding other oscilloscopes in its class, while sin(x)/x interpolation ensures accurate reconstruction of each waveform. The result-a complete view of your signal speeds up debugging and characterization.
Improve problem-solving ability
The troubleshooting task of wavealert™ waveform anomaly detection speed helps you find those elusive problems faster. Wavealert detection monitors the input signal on all channels, and will detect and highlight any waveform that deviates from the normal waveform to be acquired. Since the TDS3000B oscilloscope can stop the acquisition, make a sound, make a hard copy or save the detected abnormal waveform, you can run the test, and in a long time-even no one-find those challenging and very rare failures.
Simple and fast recording and analysis
The OpenChoice® solution provides a simple oscilloscope and uses a standard built-in Ethernet port for seamless integration between PCs. e*Scope® Web-based remote control allows you to control your TDS3000B oscilloscope from anywhere, using the Internet and The computer‘s optional tds3gv communication module, floppy disk, third-party software TDSPCS1 OpenChoice software and integrated TDS3000B series provide you with a variety of options to easily capture, transfer, record and analyze measurement results. This seamless integration extends the power and value of these outstanding engineering, affordable oscilloscopes.
Flexible features for each application
Optional application modules allow you to change your oscilloscope into professional tools for extreme testing, telecom and video mask testing, and troubleshooting. Moreover, with its light weight, compact size and battery, the TDS3000B series oscilloscope can go wherever needed. It weighs only 4.5 kg (9.8 lbs) with battery installed. Use the optional plug-in thermal printer to record your work instantly, even on site.