Product introduction:
Model: TDS794D
Product Type: Desktop
Product introduction: Bandwidth 2GHz, 4 channels, single channel with a large sampling rate of 4GSas, and a large record length of 50000ptsec
Performance description
Bandwidth 2GHz
Number of channels 4ch
Synchronous large sampling rate channel 2 GSas
Single channel large sampling rate 4GSas
Large single range bandwidth 2 GHz
Large record length 50000ptsec
small vertical sensitivity 10 mVdiv
Large vertical sensitivity 1 Vdiv
rise time 175 ps
digits 8 bits
Input impedance 50 ohm
Input coupling DC, GND
Large input voltage 5 Vrms
Low master time base 200 psdiv
High master time base 10 sdiv
Time base accuracy 0.0025%
trigger source external, built-in
Trigger mode Auto,Edge,Logic,Normal,Pulse,Single
Display type Color LCD
Display size 17.78 cm