Keysight MSOX4104A mixed signal oscilloscope
Main features and functions
1 GHz
4 analog channels and 16 digital channels
12.1 inch capacitive touch screen allows you to easily view the signal
Unique area touch trigger technology allows you to easily isolate the signal in a few seconds
4 Mpts memory and standard segmented memory can capture more data
Up to 1,000,000 waveforms/sec update rate allows you to view more signal details
Comprehensive upgradeable features allow you to expand your measurement capabilities: you can add bandwidth at any time, dual-channel 20 MHz arbitrary waveform and function generator (WaveGen), 3-bit DVM, serial triggering and analysis, and mask testing
Bandwidth 1 GHz
Bandwidth upgrade provided
Number of channels 4 + 16
Maximum memory depth 4 Mpts
Maximum sampling rate 5 GSa/s
Display size
12.1 inch capacitive touch
ADC bits 8 bits
Built-in instrument (optional)
5-digit counter
3-bit DVM
20 MHz dual AWG
Specific trigger Area touch trigger
Protocol triggering and decoding optional
Operating system embedded