Agilent N9915A FieldFox handheld microwave analyzer, 9 GHz
Main features and functions
9 GHz maximum frequency
· Carry a fully functional handheld microwave analyzer: standard models include cable and antenna analyzers
Adding options such as VNA, spectrum analyzer, built-in power meter and vector voltmeter can expand the capabilities of the analyzer
The function of measuring DTF and TDR simultaneously in a single scan can save time
Simultaneous measurement of all 4 S parameters
·Provide accurate spectrum analyzer measurement without preheating (± 0.5 dB)
·The application of QuickCal (QuickCal) can easily complete the calibration
· Lightweight comprehensive analyzer weighing only 6.6 pounds (3.0 kg)
Maximum frequency 9 GHz
CAT/VNA start frequency 30 kHz
SA start frequency 5 kHz
Dynamic range 91 dB
Output power -2 dBm
Track noise 0.004 dBrms
Number of built-in ports 2 ports
Scan speed up to 201 points 210 ms
Instrument type Combination analyzer
S parameter
Distance to failure
Cable organization
Return loss
Insertion loss/gain
Interference analysis
Power measurement
75 Ω cable television equipment
Other CAT/VNA features
Quick calibration (subset)
Vector voltmeter
Mixed mode S-parameter
TDR cable measurement
Additional spectrum analyzer features
Built-in power meter
Extended Range Transmission Analysis (ERTA)
System characteristics
External GPS receiver only
Built-in DC source
Standard attenuator attenuation range 30 dB
Standard attenuator step 5 dB
Maximum third-order dynamic range at 1 GHz None
DANL at 1 GHz -155 dBm
Maximum analysis bandwidth
Phase noise at 1 MHz deviation at 1 GHz -113 dBc/Hz
Phase noise at 10 kHz deviation at 1 GHz -111 dBc/Hz
Phase noise at 30 kHz deviation at 1 GHz
Third-order intercept (TOI), +15 dBm at 1 GHz
Available applications
Overall amplitude accuracy ±0.5 dB
Bandwidth option 5 MHz
Performance level ◆◆◆◇◇◇
AM/FM tuning and listening
Cable and antenna analysis
Field strength measurement
SCPI code compatibility
Stimulus response