R&S FSP3/spectrum analyzer
FSP3|Rohde&Schwarz|3G|Spectrum Analyzer|Rohde & Schwarz|R&S|9KHz to 3GHz
Brand: Rohde & Schwarz, Germany | ROHDE/SCHWARZ
The new FSP product series systematically integrates the well-known advantages of high-end analyzers FSE and FSIQ into intermediate analyzers.
FSP sets the standard for measurement speed and accuracy of mid-range products. It uses a highly integrated front-end and a fully digital signal processing back-end, combined with R&S‘s advanced ASIC, and is a product with indicators and high reliability.
FSP3: 9KHz-3GHz
FSP7: 9KHz-7GHz
FSP13: 9KHz-13.6GHz
FSP30: 9KHz-30GHz
FSP40: 9KHz-40GHz
—The largest screen in the same class of products
—Resolution bandwidth 1Hz-10MHz
—Highly selective digital and FFT filters
-Quasi-peak detector and EMI bandwidth
—Interface: GPIB, Centronics, RS232C
—Automatically measure TOI, OBW, phase noise and ACP(R)
—Quick measurement in time domain: minimum scan time 1μS
-Gated scan for TDMA signal measurement
The Measuring Receiver R&S FSMR is a one-box solution for calibrating RF-level and analog modulation parameters of signal generators as well as attenuation.
Functionscombined in one instrument:
*High precision level calibrator
*Modulation Analyzer for AM/FM/PM
*Audio Analyzer with THD and SINAD
*Support for NRP power sensors for absolute powermeasurements
High-performance spectrum analyzerFunctions and properties tailored to the needs of calibration labs:
*Very high level stability overtime
*Easy-to-use, with complete operation controlfrom the FSMR front panel
*Traceable calibration
*Documented calibration procedure
*Specifications equal to or exceeding the HP 8902with option 050