Agilent Signal Source Agilent E4446A|Agilent E4446A Spectrum Analyzer
E4446A PSA spectrum analyzer, 3 Hz-44 GHz
Main features and technical indicators
+/-0.19 dB amplitude accuracy
154 dBm displayed average noise level (DANL)
Phase noise at 10 kHz offset: -118 dBc/Hz
81 dB W-CDMA ACLR dynamic range
Analysis bandwidth
10 MHz analysis bandwidth (option B7J for basic mode)
Optional 40 or 80 MHz analysis bandwidth to capture and measure complex signals
-78 dB (nominal) third-order intermodulation for 40 or 80 MHz analysis bandwidth
300 MHz analysis bandwidth for VSA measurements after calibration
Flexible platform, including 16 optional and easy-to-use built-in measurement-specific software and hardware options
Standard PowerSuite one-button power measurement
The data analysis software MATLAB for general data analysis, visualization and measurement automation. PSA series [E4446AS] MATLAB software
The E4446A PSA high-performance spectrum analyzer can measure and monitor complex radio frequency [E4446AS], microwave and millimeter wave signals with frequencies up to 44 GHz. The frequency range can be further expanded by using the external mixing option: 110 GHz when using Ansett [E4446AS] external mixer; and 325 GHz when using other manufacturers‘ mixers